Rip-off and Duplicate…you don’t have to “create uniqueness”…you can steal it!

My wife Stephanie shared with me an idea she recently had.  I’m embarrassed to say my initial reaction wasn’t an enthusiast yes.

You see, Stephanie is pregnant with our third child.  She found out the gender on Monday morning but she had the ultrasound tech jot it down on a piece of paper she then slid into an envelope.

The idea was to drop off the envelope at a local bakery and have a cake made where the inside of the cake let us know if it was a boy or a girl.

Here’s a picture of the cake:










Now, here’s the video of the actual cutting:

I look at the video and am thankful Stephanie wanted to do this.  I especially love it when Logan yells “BLUE!”

This idea wasn’t ours…it wasn’t Stephanie’s…somewhere, someone else had already done it. I think it was made popular by the Duggar family.

This is a case of “Rip-off and Duplicate.”  There are ideas you there that are just begging to be adapted to either your personal or professional situation.

To learn more about how you can play around with the concept of “Rip-off and Duplicate” click here and read the blog we did on Validation.


One Response to Rip-off and Duplicate…you don’t have to “create uniqueness”…you can steal it!

  1. Blake Imeson September 30, 2011 at 8:20 am #

    haha that is too cute!

    I can just imagine Logan thinking “thank God it’s a brother!”

    Very fun.