Have you ever been to a seminar where at the end you ask yourself:
Now how do I apply this in my world?
Our Promise to You:
You will know how to do Compression Planning® in your organization… immediately.
Lots of workshops are like hooking up to a “fire hose.” You get drowned in material. You have to go back and try and figure out how to make it work in your own situation.
What many of them lack is bridging the gap between “that was captivating…now how do I apply what I learned to my role as a leader?
The Compression Planning Institute is different. It was designed from the perspective of the participant…not the presenter.
Alumni of our Institutes tell us there’s no “having to bridge the gap.” They can go back and do Compression Planning® the next day.
This is not a “lecture-shop.” It is a WORK-shop.
What can you expect to walk away being able to do:
- Say goodbye to “Traditional Brainstorming.” Most problems people brainstorm aren’t problems. They’re predicaments.
- Discover 6 ways to develop meaningful ideas, ones that are prototype-able, cost-able and action-able the very next day.
- Get grounded in “The McNellis Master Planning Model™ which you can use on 90-95% of all challenges you’ll be asked to facilitate.
- Crack the code on neutralizing and dealing with “traditionally difficult participants” with 5 tips to keep in your back pocket.
- Get the knack of timing your planning session that result in ACTION with at least 4 tricks-of-the-trade the McNellis professionals use.
- Get the hang of when to use Compression Planning as well as identify 3 “Red Flags” of when NOT to get suckered into leading a group destined to fail.
- Foster 6 ways to establish accountability by working shoulder-to-shoulder with your professional Compression Planning coaches.
- Become adept at managing creative sessions as well as analytical ones without letting them become contaminated by “typical meeting-itis”
- Pick up at least 6 tips on working with clients/project owners from Compression Planning professionals.
- You will never need fancy electronic gadgets with a learning curve to do Compression Planning.
If that’s not enough, you will also:
- Be prepared to Design and lead Compression Planning® sessions by yourself…starting the day after the Institute.
- Learn new ways to recruit the necessary cross-functional talent to participate in your Compression Planning® sessions to “give life to your idea/plan.”
- Prepare to break down the organizational silos by involving the right people in your planning.
- Fully organize everything needed to conduct a Compression Planning® session.
- You will practice 4 Ways to time a COMPRESSION PLANNING® session from start to finish using a Master Planning Model.
- Use 6 Ways to establish accountability and keep others true to their word.
NO endless, mind-numbing Power Point presentations…just hands-on results
- People come with bleeding-edge problems and the output of their work (and learning) results in 100% “no-tweaks needed plan.”
- We’ve had participants, who had a complete mess thrown onto their lap the day before they flew to the Institute, use that “mess” as their learning topic.
- We’ve even had participants receive a massive possibility during the Institutes which became their subjects. They left with game plans to wrap themselves around their new opportunity.
- Others walked in bewildered over how they were going to approach their topic. And that was the subject that we taught over. They walked out with a project management plan and an approach, and in some cases specifics, step‑by‑step details of what they were going to do to attack their problem.
The Compression Planning® Institute is a big laboratory with real world issues and problems where people work on solving them while learning new approaches.
Diversity: When General Motors was developing the worlds first electric auto system, the EV1, they sent most of their platform team (over 80 engineers) to the Compression Planning Institute. GM technical challenges and had people from other fields help work on them. To this day people remember how effective it was to learn Compression Planning® alongside others outside of their “expertise.”
What kind of issue could you bring to work on?
- Do you have a program that needs a big boost in the rear?
- Are you sitting on a huge opportunity and aren’t sure where to bite into it?
- Do you have silos that need to be dissolved because they’re just frustrating the daylights out of you?
- Are you climbing the walls at night, sweating over a merger that’s about to collapse and fall apart?
Talk with the McNellis team and they’ll help you decide what project to bring to guarantee you have great learning.
The Compression Planning® Institute is based on:
80% participation by attendees, 20% presentation and Q&A.
If you want to talk theory, we’ll do it over dinner at night.
You learn on real issues…your issues. There are no “canned exercises that guarantee success” in this Institute. You get real learning on real challenges.
You also get instant feedback from Compression Planning® coaches who have all led tough sessions for many years before becoming presenters/coaches.
No further research needs to be done to do Compression Planning®…guaranteed.
You walk out being able to do Compression Planning®, confidently.
- If not, talk to us and we’ll do anything we can to help you. What ever that means.
- If it means going through the Institute a second time to gain more confidence, do it on our dime.
- If it means spending more time with one of our coaches, consider it done.
Whatever it takes for our alums to be successful.
About your Compression Planning® Coaches:
You’ll gain hints, feedback and insights from your Compression Planning® coaches who live in the day-to-day trenches of problem solving.
Your Compression Planning coaches are 100% with you throughout the Institute. Meals, breaks, before and after sessions. Unlike many workshops where it’s hard to get 1-on-1 times with the professionals, you will have lots of personal time with your instructors.
Your “support team” consists of the following:
We know you are going to be asked to use your Compression Planning® skills in areas that were not covered in the Institute. For this very reason you will leave with a “support team.”
You are not thrown out to the wolves upon leaving the Institute.
[cow_johnson general_bgcolor=”#ffff00″ general_bgcolor_to=”#ffff00″ general_font=”Geneva”]Send your Compression Planning® Designs in for review by a McNellis expert, call or e-mail and you will receive a detailed response within 24 hours, guaranteed.[/cow_johnson]
In addition, you will leave with:
- The Compression Planning Advantage. This book is designed as a resource for you to explore, as the complexity of your sessions gets greater. There are dozens of templates you can use or adapt. Swipe and deploy anything we have.
- Exploding the Meeting Myth Book.” A book stuffed with all the theory you could ever want (or need) to support your Compression Planning® applications.
- An On-line Library of Tools. All the templates and resources you use in the Institute are available as free downloads. Over 1,000 Compression Planners use this valuable free planning asset.
- The Compression Planning Blog features educational material on innovative applications of Compression Planning®.
- A template of 39 diagnostic design questions McNellis Compression Planners use to design and lead groups through complex issues.
The equipment many Compression Planners use is available through Storyboardtools.com. You will use their equipment at the Institute where you can decide if you want to some day purchase such gear.
Our Guarantee to You:
No up-sell.
Some workshops serve as a sales vehicle to get you to buy more books/videos/CDs. Not this one. You walk away fully prepared with “enough knowledge and confidence” to design and lead your own Compression Planning® sessions.
And don’t forget your unlimited access to the McNellis Design Alert Service™. Have a professional Compression Planning® expert give you feedback and advice on your Design before you get a group together to tackle your issue.