Top Uses Of The Compression Planning® System
#1. Strategic Planning…Strategic Planning…and even more Strategic Planning.
Leaders looking to revitalize and save massive chunks of time with their strategic thinking approaches reflect the number one use of Compression Planning®.
#2. Cut through organizational clutter. Leaders subscribe to the McNellis mantra of:
A darn good plan with a broad base of support NOW is much more effective than a ‘perfect plan’ nine months from now.
#3. Getting the most out of collaboration. Leaders who are natural collaborators, especially under pressure, state that Compression Planning® gives them the quick results they need from the teams/groups they lead. They are searching for new, simple ways to be more effective collaborators.
#4. Game Changing. Leaders, often called visionaries by their colleagues, use Compression Planning® to accelerate their ideas into action. They often dismiss the term “visionary” as they are too busy making things happen. They want better ideas, faster decisions and deeper buy-in…unleashing unprecedented results.