Forget Strategic Planning. Improve Your Strategic Planning Meetings with Differentiation

Strategic planning is answering core questions. I was coaching a friend about a CP session she was leading with a cattleman’s association. We got into a subject I wish I’d recorded and had transcribed, because it would make an interesting special report or e-book. The subject of the conversation was about vision and mission statements, […]

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How to REALLY Background

Dr. Mary Brumbach, CFRE, Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Initiatives, Dallas County Community College District  (DCCCD) did the best job of Background for a Trustees’ retreat I’ve seen. Without exception. Best job for any CP session ever. Here are the infographics Mary used with the DCCCD Board of Trustees: Demographic Issues Economic and Workforce Issues Poverty […]

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It’s Magic!

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love a magic trick? Young or old, innocent or cynic, there’s something just plain fun about the ridiculous joy of being deluded into believing that rabbits really DO come out of the hat, or the coin really DOES come out of an ear, or the girl in the […]

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It must end in Action!

Don’t call it Compression Planning® unless you plan to take Action! One of the struggles we hear from some graduates of the Compression Planning® Institute is We never seem to get past the FOCUS stage in the Master Planning Model. What can we do differently to make it through the entire model?” Here are my […]

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