Why isn’t all planning effective? Why do groups continue to spin their wheels and waste their time when there is an alternative? I know Compression Planning® isn’t the only “solution” in town when it comes to this frustration. I recently designed and led a small session dealing with a capital investment predicament. The previous “meetings” […]
How Has The Process Failed?
A few weeks ago, I mentioned Stephanie and I went on a sales call together. During that call, the Chief Operating Officer asked us “How has the process failed?” It was an interesting question and I thought about it as I was doing yard work over the weekend. I have a LOT of trees so […]
The Value of Relationships
As a part of our Succession Planning, Stephanie recently accompanied me on a sales call. It was with a client who was not familiar with Compression Planning in any way, shape or form. A new friend of ours who runs their HR team had been tasked with finding a “project management system” that could potentially […]
Succession Planning: Do it before you need it!
Some lessons are learned the hard way. That’s kind of stating the obvious, I know. Today I want to share some experiences around the topic of Succession Planning. How Compression Planning can help with Succession Planning One of the applications I’ve heard many people use Compression Planning to address is the topic of Succession Planning. […]
Creating An Environment of RESPECT
BrainTrain: September 2016 The kids are back in school in their new district and are adapting as well as we could have hoped. I still remember when I found out Steph was pregnant with twins as it was day 2 of one of our Institutes. Fast-forward almost 11 years and they are now in 5th […]
Teamwork: Why I Never Lead A Session Alone
I’m thankful our youngest, Blake, never got into the Dora the Explorer series. The twins loved it but it drove Stephanie and I a bit crazy. So I can’t attribute what I’m about to share with you to having watched too much Dora. I’ve written before that Blake is a very affirming, positive five year […]
Reliving the History of your Topic
On Friday, May 26th, Stephanie and I took a one-day bus trip to Gettysburg with Logan and Lauryn and their fifth grade class. I know I’ve been there twice in my life (as my mother pointed out). Once as a child and once with my dad when we were driving back from a facilitation assignment […]
Guidelines/Norms/Expectations. I’ve updated all eight Guideline Cards we use in every session and you can download them here. The content is still the same, but the look and feel are updated. Below are the four you use during the Explore Phase in a Compression Planning session. I’m including my “script” – how I introduce them […]
Teaching Compression Planning to K-12 Students: Curiosity Quest Problem Solvers
Last week I shared how I used and “taught” Compression Planning to a group of 44 K-12 students. Several of you wrote asking for more information on that application. I went back and looked for what we developed and used with the students. Curiosity Quest Handout Download I’m including a link to the booklet pictured […]
The POWER and PEACE of making a Decision
Something we used to teach in our Institutes was “pre/post concept.” For some reason we stopped doing it maybe 15-20 years ago. It is something that has come up three times in the past two weeks so I figured what better way to process it than through sharing through a BrainTrain/Blog post. Basically, to me, […]