Archive | Strategic Planning

Forget Strategic Planning. Improve Your Strategic Planning Meetings with Differentiation

Strategic planning is answering core questions. I was coaching a friend about a CP session she was leading with a cattleman’s association. We got into a subject I wish I’d recorded and had transcribed, because it would make an interesting special report or e-book. The subject of the conversation was about vision and mission statements, […]

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PHOTO 1_Neil Herbkersman current photo_2013

It’s Magic!

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love a magic trick? Young or old, innocent or cynic, there’s something just plain fun about the ridiculous joy of being deluded into believing that rabbits really DO come out of the hat, or the coin really DOES come out of an ear, or the girl in the […]

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7 Steps To Stronger Designs

The 7 Steps I Followed To Design The 2-Day Retreat For Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Retired Navy Captain Ed Nicholson’s stay at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2005 presented him with a close look at the returning wounded from the conflict in Iraq (and later Afghanistan). His desire to offer fly fishing to […]

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Ken Cowing

Honoring My Mentor and Friend, Dr. Kendall Cowing

The Reverend Doctor Kendall Cowing Charlotte, North Carolina Passed away on February 4, 2013 Married to high school sweetheart Della Father of 5 children, 16 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren I’d like to share four items about Ken and his impact on Compression Planning and leading groups: How he mentored me His advice about groups with […]

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