Compression Planning Application #1: Helping Friends

Helping Friends with Compression PlanningThis year we made a commitment to highlight what we thought were unique applications of how people are using Compression Planning to make a difference in their part of the world.

The first one we “published” featured Luanne Panacek who was the CEO of the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County in the Tampa area.  Luanne has been using Compression Planning for over 20 years professionally….and just as long personally.

Recently Jerry McNellis and Luanne were talking and she shared how she uses Compression Planning to help friends, family and colleagues “figure out what they want to be when they grow up.”  Jerry set up an interview and recorded it and, well, to make a long story short, we have produced an in-depth look at exactly how Luanne does her “magic” and is making a huge impact on people’s lives.

I have to admit, this took a lot of effort to get it produced.  I was worried that we’d experience the “Field of Dreams Syndrome” – if we publish it, will they come?  We sent it out to our BrainTrain distribution list and it was a HUGE hit – being downloaded over 225 times.  It was also the first BrainTrain that people asked for in ROUGH form.  It seems everyone knows someone who is struggling with the issues this BrainTrain addresses.

To download a copy of this Application, click here.

Best Compression Planning Wishes,

Pat McNellis



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